If you are what you read, right now, I am

A hardbound monkey with a typewriter. ~ Bookish Girl is reading Vikram Chandra's Red Earth And Pouring Rain.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Scare myself to death/ That's why I keep on runnin'.


Sure, it's a thriller; sure, it's about the good guys versus the bad, and no prizes for guessing which side wins; and sure, it has enough italics and exclamation marks to give an army of typographers nightmares for life. But it's the only regular-sized book I finished at a single sitting since I don't know when.

It was exactly like watching a movie, only much less cheesy, since it all happened in my head.

The guy's a genius. His books are chockfull of conspiracies, Sikorskys, traitors, call signs, and thermonuclear devices.

Maybe I should watch the Indiana Jones flicks again.

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